Elon University students take survey on student body size, results were skewed in favor of current size

Students were surveyed outside all major university buildings. Photo by Cameron Saucier

Students were surveyed outside all major university buildings. Photo by Cameron Saucier

By Cameron Saucier

Elon University students may disagree about social or political issues, but when it comes to their undergraduate student body size, students overwhelmingly said that Elon was “just right.”

A total of 200 students were surveyed. Of the 200 students, 74 percent said that Elon’s undergraduate student body size was fine at its current number. Seven percent of students said that it was too large and 19 percent of students said that it was too small.

Sixty-one percent of students that said Elon’s undergraduate student body size should be between 5,000 and 6,000 students. Of all students surveyed, this was the most popular range of numbers. According to CollegeBoard, Elon’s current undergraduate size is 5,357 students – a number the survey reflects students are comfortable with.

Two-hundred students were surveyed in the poll. Infographic by Cameron Saucier

Two-hundred students were surveyed in the poll. Infographic by Cameron Saucier

Sydney Briley, a senior at Elon, thought that Elon’s student body size was perfect for the engaged-learning atmosphere the university promotes.

“I like the relationship you form with your professors,” she said. “Most of my class sizes are around 25 students.”

Although most students were content with the current number of undergraduates, some complained about the growing lines for the dining halls.

Ashley Tolton, a sophomore at Elon, said that the Lakeside dining hall seems to be getting too crowded. Freshman Merienne Gasca echoed Tolton’s statement, but emphasized that the dining halls were especially crowded after their morning opening.